The Great Kindness Challenge…1/22-1/26/2024

Our school proudly participates in The Great Kindness Challenge, a week-long program dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and compassion in communities worldwide. Our Bolts will participate, on January 22nd-26th.

We believe allowing our students to participate in this uplifting week of kindness is more important than ever.

Please check out our Spirit Week Schedule as we encourage our students to practice kindness and put their compassion into action at home, they will receive a Great Kindness Challenge checklist. On Monday & Wednesday, we will have school-wide lunchtime activities to promote kindness. All classes next week will also participate in the Kindness Challenge Cards Contest. The class with the most turned-in Challenge Cards will earn a popsicle party!

We will encourage all students to complete as many acts of kindness as possible at school and hope they feel inspired to continue them at home!

We will lift each other up, cheer each other on, and show the world that KINDNESS MATTERS! 💙⚡

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