The Holiday Store is open 12/11 – 12/15

The Holiday store is COMING 12/11 – 12/15!! A flyer with an envelope went home today. Please reach out to your room parents, or teachers for information when your student’s class is going as a group. The holiday store will be open during all recesses (M-F) for students & after school (M-TH) for parents to shop with students.

The in-person holiday store accepts cash & checks payable to Stephen Foster PTA.

If you would like to send your student with a prepaid shopping voucher, you can pay with Debit/Visa/MC at

There is also a virtual shopping option through 12/14. Details can be found on the back side of the flyer. Online orders will be delivered to the school.


Login: Holiday

Password: giftshop23005

Additional flyers can be found in the office!

We need holiday store volunteers!! Please sign up here!

Thank you! 🎄❤️

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