School Site Council Meeting Tomorrow

The School Site Council and PTA are not affiliated with one another. However, we do have some of the same goals and that is why we are sharing the meeting information with you here.

SSC Flyer

What is School Site Council?

First and foremost, School Site Council (SSC) and the PTA are not affiliated.

School Site Council is a committee comprised of the principal, teachers, school staff and parents. This committee works together to evaluate the needs of the school and develop a plan for student achievement based upon those needs.

Issues that will be addressed are student achievement, school policy, school programs, and the school budget amongst other important topics.

The SSC is comprised of at least 10 members, half of which (5) must be parents of students. The first meeting is when the committee will be established.

If you want to have a say about the school’s plan for our children, this is the perfect opportunity for you to join the committee and do so. However, all SSC meetings are open to the school community, so if you just want to come to learn more, you are welcome to do that as well.

When Is The First SSC Meeting?

  • Date: Thursday, November 7, 2019
  • Time: 3:30 pm
  • Where: Room 58

All meetings are open to the school community.


Again, SSC and PTA are not affiliated so if you have any questions, please direct them to the office as they will have the answers you are looking for.

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